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We are open!!!

We came back in Hawaii after a business trip and vacation to Japan!


A lot of people are involved in the products of plus aloha.

I will meet as many people as possible to express my gratitude. And talk to plus aloha and our future. In order for the future of Japan's production areas to improve, I believe that the accumulation of each and every one of feelings for the future is the most important thing.

plus alohaの商品が出来上がるまでにはたくさんの人達が関わっています。

私は感謝の気持ちを伝えるために、できるだけ多くの人に会います。 そして, plus aloha と私たちの未来を語ります。 日本の産地の未来が良くなるためには、私たち一人ひとりの未来への想いの積み重ねが最も重要だと改めて感じました。

On this day, I helped transport the accessories and was able to talk to many vendors!


And I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation!

I enjoyed the city of Tokyo and experienced Japanese culture.



We enjoyed many delicious meals!

Japanese sake is delicious! !



We came back in Hawaii. And we went to pick up my dog right away!

It was cloudy that day. But we were able to see a double rainbow.

Any weather is good in Hawaii! !

私たちはハワイに戻ってきました。 そして早速愛犬を迎えに行きました!

その日のお天気は夕方から曇り模様。 しかし空を見上げるとダブルレインボーが!!


The plus aloha online store is open now!

Thank you for reading to the end!!

And thank you to all our customers!!!

plus aloha online store は営業中でございます。


そしていつもplus aloha を大切にしてくれて誠にありがとうございます!!


plus aloha designer

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